Siripassorn Krittaecho, T. Huang Angkana, Nitiyanontakij Ravee, Uttayamakul Sumonmal, Klungthong Chonticha, Hunsawong Taweewun, Rungrojcharoenkit Kamonthip, Lohachanakul Jindarat, Kodchakorn Chanikarn, Vanachayangkul Pattaraporn, Poolpanichupatum Yongyuth, Hussem Kittinun, R. Jones Anthony, Fernandez Stefan, SARS-Cov-2 Viral Kinetics in Mild COVID-19 Patients Treated with Chloroquine Regimens or Standard of Care, International Journal of Coronaviruses, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1-14, ISSN 2692-1537, (https://oap-journals.orgijcv/article/1680) Keywords: Chloroquine; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; viral kinetics; therapeutic.