Journal of Model Based Research

Previous Issue

Free online availability - Open Access, Peer-Reviewed Articles


Page Numbers  1-10

Specified model of the work environment in a public university in central Mexico

Bund Arger  1


Page Numbers  11-19

Formalization of correlational studies of water problems

Carreon Guillen Javier  1 Garcia Lirios Cruz  2 Yaneth Quiroz Campas Celia  3 Alexander Vallejo Montoya Elias  4 Espinoza Morales Francisco  5 Hugo Merino Cordoba Victor  6 Ysabel Martinez de Merino Carmen  7 Vicente Ovalles Toledo Luiz  8 Judith Brito Carrillo Clara  9 Verstapp Bund Arger  10


Page Numbers  20-27

Seasonal ARIMA model for Covid-19 pandemic Prediction in the United States

Wang Lei  1


Page Numbers  28-36

Time Series Analysis and Prediction of COVID-19 pandemic using Dynamic Harmonic Regression Models

Wang Lei  1

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