Journal of Immunization

About The Journal

The Journal of Immunization (JI) is a leading open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to advancing the field of immunology. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge among immunologists, immunologists-in-training, and individuals interested in immunology.

Our journal publishes articles that cover a broad range of research topics in basic and applied immunology, including the development and application of vaccines, the role of the immune system in defending the body against infectious agents, the regulation and modulation of the immune system by drugs and other therapies, and the interaction between immunity and diseases such as cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Scope of JI

Our scope includes but not limited to food and nutrition, experimental studies, epidemiology, drug targeting, drug sensitivity and resistance, techniques, counseling, vaccination, adult immunization, transcription factors, and more. For a comprehensive view of our scope, please refer to the Aim and Scope.

Instructions for Preparing Your Article

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the author guidelines outlined on the page and should include a full list of references, authors' affiliations, and other relevant details. Authors should also provide detailed information on conflicts of interest and ethical considerations, such as consent of participants. All submitted manuscripts must adhere to our guidelines and journal policies. Manuscripts should be submitted online through our submission portal or via mail.

Article Processing Charges

JI is committed to providing authors with a fast and efficient publication process. We levy a reasonable Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover the editorial and production costs.

Advantages of Publishing

JI serves as a platform to discuss the latest developments in immunological treatments and therapies. With an emphasis on open access, we ensure that the research we publish reaches the widest range of stakeholders. We also support a wide range of article types, including original research, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, protocols, opinions, and editorials, all of which are subject to a rigorous and timely peer-review process.

Collaborated Universities and Institutions

  • Samia Ahmed Kamal - Animal Health Research Institute
  • Randa Abd El-Rahman Hassan - Animal Health Research Institute
  • L. O’Connor - Health Protection Surveillance Centre
  • H. Murphy - Dr Steevens Hospital
  • E. Montague - Dr Steevens Hospital
  • Lynn Atuyambe - Makerere University College of Health Sciences
  • Rajeev Z Kompithra - Christian Medical College
  • Magdalenal R - Christian Medical College
  • Leni G Mathew - Christian Medical College
  • Valsan P Verghese - Christian Medical College
  • T Jacob John - Christian Medical College
  • Rajan R Patil - SRM University.
  • Krishnamurthy - National Tuberculosis Institute


1. I was impresssed by the swift services of the journal and easy navigation begining from manuscript submission to galley proof. I would recommend future authors-"Consider this journal if you are wondering where to publish your scientific work". They are google scholar indexed and so you do not have to worry, if your scientific work won't reach to the community of other researchers.

Naiya Patel - Long Island University

2. The positive editorial time attitude and cooperation were encouraging and supportive of the author. Moreover, fast response and processing of the manuscript reflect an appreciation of the time factor. In addition to the user-friendly submission system that allows for up-to-date follow up. The review process is performed in reasonable time with constructive comments that aim to improve the paper quality. Communication in such way between the authors and the journals is not something that is common nowadays.

Mostafa Essam Eissa - Cairo University

Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences