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Journals By Subject
Agriculture and Aquaculture
Biological Sciences & Developmental Biology
- Bioinformatics And Diabetes     ISSN : 2374-9431
- Biomaterials      
- Biosemiotic Research     
- Biotechnology and Biomedical Science     ISSN : 2576-6694
- Fertility Biomarkers     ISSN : 2576-2818
- International Journal of Structural Biology     
- Systems Biology     
- Advances in Leukemia      
- Brain And Spinal Cancer     ISSN : 2576-182X
- Breast Cancer Survival     
- Cancer Genetics And Biomarkers     ISSN : 2572-3030
- Cervical Cancer     ISSN : 2997-2108
- Colon And Rectal Cancer     ISSN : 2471-7061
- Diseases     ISSN : 2997-1977
- Hematology and Oncology Research     ISSN : 2372-6601
- International Journal of Chemotherapy Research and Practice      
- International Journal of Prostate Cancer     
- Lung Cancer Epidemiology     
- Neoplasms      ISSN : 2639-1716
- Skin Cancer Epidemiology     
- Thyroid Cancer     ISSN : 2574-4496
- Alcohol      
- Carbohydrates     
- Developments in Mass Spectrometry     
- International Journal of Amino Acids     
- International Journal of Hydrocarbons     
- International Journal of Lipids     ISSN : 2835-513X
- New Developments in Chemistry     ISSN : 2377-2549
- Oxygen Compounds     
- Peptides     
- Polymer Science Research     
- Water     ISSN : 2769-2264
- Agronomy Research     ISSN : 2639-3166
- Energy Conservation     ISSN : 2642-3146
- International Journal of Limnology     ISSN : 2691-3208
- International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine     ISSN : 2690-0904
- Plant and Animal Ecology     ISSN : 2637-6075
- Weather Changes     
Life Sciences
- Advanced Cytology     
- Advanced Research in Botany     
- Advances in Plant Biology      ISSN : 2638-4469
- Antioxidant Activity     ISSN : 2471-2140
- Body Fluids     
- Bone Marrow Biology     
- Breastfeeding Biology     ISSN : 2644-0105
- Chromosomes     
- Clinical Research In HIV AIDS And Prevention     ISSN : 2324-7339
- Current Scientific Research     ISSN : 2766-8681
- Current Viruses and Treatment Methodologies     ISSN : 2691-8862
- DNA And RNA Research     ISSN : 2575-7881
- Drug Resistant Pathogen Research     
- Embryology     
- Enzymes     ISSN : 2690-4829
- Evolutionary Science     ISSN : 2689-4602
- Evolving Stem Cell Research     ISSN : 2574-4372
- Fungal Diversity     ISSN : 2766-869X
- Genetic Engineering     ISSN : 2694-1198
- Human and Animal Intestines      
- Immunology and Geriatrics     
- In-vitro In-vivo In-silico Journal     
- International Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development      ISSN : 2691-6622
- International Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism     
- International Journal of Cell     
- International Journal of Cytokine     
- International Journal of Entomology     ISSN : 2768-5209
- International Journal of Heart Research     
- International Marine Science Journal     ISSN : 2643-0282
- International Ornithology     
- International Physiology Journal     ISSN : 2578-8590
- Mammal Research      
- Osteoarthritis and Cartilage      
- Pancreas     
- Parasite Research     ISSN : 2690-6759
- Plant Cell Development     ISSN : 2832-5311
- Primates     
- Skeletal Muscle     ISSN : 2832-4048
- Spleen And Liver Research     ISSN : 2578-2371
- Thrombosis and treatments     
- Tissue Repair and Regeneration      ISSN : 2640-6403
- Transgenics     
- Wildlife     ISSN : 2997-2248
- Zoological Research     ISSN : 2694-2275
Medical Sciences
- Advanced Forensic Sciences     ISSN : 2692-5915
- Advanced Rheumatology Science     
- Advanced Therapeutic Science     
- Aging Research And Healthcare     ISSN : 2474-7785
- Air and Water Borne Diseases     
- Alternative Medicine and Mind Body Practices     
- Alzheimer's Research and Therapy     ISSN : 2998-4211
- Arthritis Research and Therapy     
- Blood Pressure     
- Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology     ISSN : 2689-5773
- Current Chronic Diseases      
- Death     
- Dentistry And Oral Implants     ISSN : 2473-1005
- Dermatologic Research And Therapy     ISSN : 2471-2175
- Digestive Disorders And Diagnosis     ISSN : 2574-4526
- Endocrinology And Hormones     
- Etiological Diagnosis     
- Family Medicine     ISSN : 2640-690X
- Fetal Surgery     ISSN : 2997-2086
- Food Science and Hygiene     ISSN : 2835-2165
- Hereditary Diseases     
- Human Health Research     ISSN : 2576-9383
- Hypertension and Cardiology     ISSN : 2329-9487
- Immunization     ISSN : 2577-137X
- Implementation science     
- Intensive Care and Emergency Services     
- International Epilepsy Journal     
- International Journal of Allergy     
- International Journal of Anesthesia     
- International Journal of Antibiotic Research     
- International Journal of Blood Transfusion      
- International Journal of Clinical Microbiology     ISSN : 2690-4721
- International Journal of Complementary Medicine     
- International Journal of Eating and Weight Disorders     
- International Journal of General Practice     ISSN : 2692-5257
- International Journal of Glaucoma     
- International Journal of Global Health     ISSN : 2693-1176
- International Journal of Health Statistics     ISSN : 2997-1969
- International Journal of Human Anatomy     ISSN : 2577-2279
- International Journal of Infection Prevention      ISSN : 2690-4837
- International Journal of Inflammation Research      
- International Journal of Medical Practitioners     
- International Journal of Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders     
- International Journal of Negative Results     ISSN : 2641-9181
- International Journal of Neonatology     ISSN : 2998-4785
- International Journal of Neuroimaging     
- International Journal of Neuroinformatics     
- International Journal of Nutrition     ISSN : 2379-7835
- International Journal of Pain Management     ISSN : 2688-5328
- International Journal of Personalized Medicine     
- International Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases     ISSN : 2994-6743
- International Journal of Steroids     
- International Journal of Surgical Techniques     
- International Journal of Thorax     
- International Journal of Translational Research     
- International Journal of Vasculitis     
- Medical and Psychological Trauma     ISSN : 2766-6204
- Medical and Surgical Urology     
- Medical Informatics and Decision Making     ISSN : 2641-5526
- Memory     
- Migraine Management     
- Nephrology Advances     ISSN : 2574-4488
- Nervous System and Physiological Phenomena     
- Neurological Research And Therapy     ISSN : 2470-5020
- Obesity Management     ISSN : 2574-450X
- Ophthalmic Science     ISSN : 2470-0436
- Organ Transplantation     ISSN : 2576-9359
- Otolaryngology Advances     ISSN : 2379-8572
- Palliative Care And Hospice     
- Patient Care and Services     
- Pediatric Health And Nutrition     ISSN : 2691-5014
- Preventive Medicine And Care     ISSN : 2474-3585
- Radiation and Nuclear Medicine     ISSN : 2766-8630
- Respiratory Diseases     ISSN : 2642-9241
- Sinusitis     
- Spine and Neuroscience     ISSN : 2694-1201
- Sports and Exercise Medicine     ISSN : 2694-2283
- Surgery Proceedings     
- Tropical Diseases and Medicine     
- Ulcers     
- Veterinary Healthcare     ISSN : 2575-1212
- Women's Reproductive Health     ISSN : 2381-862X
Pharmaceutical sciences
- Addiction Disorder and Rehabilitation     
- ADHD And Care     ISSN : 3066-8042
- Behavior Therapy And Mental Health     ISSN : 2474-9273
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry     ISSN : 2643-6655
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy     
- Depression And Therapy     ISSN : 2476-1710
- Human Psychology     ISSN : 2644-1101
- International Journal of Ethology     
- International Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research     ISSN : 2574-612X
- Psychological Disorders     
- Psychophysiology Practice and Research     
- Schizophrenia Disorders And Therapy     
- Sleep And Sleep Disorder Research     ISSN : 2574-4518
- Verbal Behavior     
- Woman's Mental Health